Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Toddie: To surf or not to surf?

Despite the fact that out side is space and i'm trapped in this tin can, in the engine room with no window but my screen lighting up... showing all those figures and numbers about engine status and what not...... i got this huge urge to turn on the "Great Galactic Genome".... the G3.... our only source to gain info about every thing in our Galaxy!

I was wondering if its a good idea to surf the G3... considering theres a battle going on out there ... and i need to keep an eye on the engine... maybe theres some cool gadgets that just came out... a new Turbo saloon to do my hair would be nice... the last one i got only lasted a few nano seconds after doing my hair in space just before the graduation ... and boy did i spent a lot on that one.

But then gain .... its not like any thing is gonna happen if i ... say..... surf a bit.

Oh hell i'm bored.... ok lets see wheres the icon... okay ... inserting address....

Oh Hell! Can't connect to server! .... whats that ... your connection is being block by a firewall... please lower your shileds to allow transfer of data to servers....

Okay.... turning shields down.....

Okay that should do it....

*A big blast hits the room*

*intercom* Engine room Status report!

Urm..... was that the shields for the transfer or was that the ships shields?

erm we took a hit sir! engine is failing and we are going at 98% as we speak sir!
I urm ... don't know what hit us sir... one second it was at 110% now its at 98%....

*intercom* Dammit! we are screwed!
gee .... for once your right sir!

Owh shit..... guest we wont make it out this Battle alive......

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