Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Resuming Syuib's Qalam

My favourite writeup as some of you may know is Syuib's Qalam. Though it requires more attention to detail and creative writing and has since been on hiatus due to my demanding career. Now I am working to start again and pour my creative juices into it. However the 3rd post I have felt to be unsatisfactory and will then be scrapped. I will resume writing for a new 3rd post. I have big plans for Syuib's Qalam and will write a long story arc for it. I hope you guys can support it.

Anyway Syuib's Qalam can be read here at


ps- I am also deciding to discontinue this blog but let it float here in cyberspace for any to read. Thank you to all who have read my work and commented wonderfully to it.